Condition | Used |
Quality of parts (according to GVO) | O - original with the logo of the vehicle manufacturer (OE) |
Part manufacturer | Renault OE |
Engine type | Petrol |
Part number | 7700274294 |
Part numbers | 7700274294 |
Original catalog number | 7700274294 |
Type of car | Cars, Vans |
With disassembly as in the picture
Please note that there may be different engines in one vehicle model
Before buying, please compare the part with the photo and numbers if given.
The surest way to select parts is to check the part number currently fitted to the car.
Part name : FUEL INJECTION RAIL 7700274294
Vehicle data : RENAULT / DACIA
Displacement: 1.4 8V 1390cc
Engine power: 55 KW / 75 HP
Fuel type : PETROL
Engine Code : K7J
Production range: 1997 -2009
Part of the disassembly.
The given data show the entire production range of the model - the manufacturer could use several types of parts.
The engine can also be found in:
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ModelLOGAN MCV (KS_) Type1.4 (K7J 710) kW75 CV55 Year07/02 - 1390ccm
ModelLOGAN Pickup (US_) Type1.4 kW75 CV55 Year01/09 - 1390ccm (K7J 710)
ModelSANDERO 1.4 (K7J 710) 1390ccm 75HP/55kW 2008/06-
ModelSANDERO 1.4 MPI LPG (K7J 714) 1390ccm 72HP/53kW 2009/01-
KUBISTAR Transmission (X76) 1.4 (K7J 700) 1390ccm 75HP / 55kW 2003/08-2009/10
KANGOO (KC0/1_) Type1.4 (KC0C, KC0H, KC0B, KC0M) (E7J 634 E7J 635 E7J 780 K7J 700 K7J 701) 1390ccm 75HP/55kW 1997/08-
KANGOO Express (FC0/1_) 1.4 (FC0C, FC0B, FC0H, FC0M) (E7J 634 E7J 635 E7J 780 K7J 700 K7J 701) 1390ccm 75HP / 55kW 1997/08-2008/06
ModelLOGAN I (LS_) Type1.4 kW75 CV55 Year09/04 - 1390ccm (K7J 710)
ModelLOGAN I Estate (KS_) Type1.4 kW75 CV55 Year07/10 - 1390ccm (K7J 710)
ModelTHALIA I (LB_) Type1.4 kW75 CV55 Year08/00 - 1390cc
ModelTHALIA I (LB_) Type1.4 (LB17) (K7J 700) kW98 CV72 Year00/00-09/02
ModelTHALIA II (LU_) Type1.4 (K7J 700) kW75 CV55 Year08/08 - 06/14